Jennifer Riggins (@jkriggins) and Rich Gall (@richggall) talk to Jana Boruta, Director of Global Events and Experiential Marketing at Hashicorp, about experiential marketing and how the events sector has adapted to the Coronavirus pandemic
She explains how she and her team worked to make HashiConf digital-only, and discusses how a year of isolation gave her the opportunity to launch her own conference - EpicConf.
We also discuss the role of events more broadly in the tech industry, and talk about how organizers and companies can support more diverse voices in the industry and give more people a platform to be heard.
Jennifer Riggins (@jkriggins) and Rich Gall (@richggall) talk to Jana Boruta, Director of Global Events and Experiential Marketing at Hashicorp, about experiential marketing and how the events sector has adapted to the Coronavirus pandemic
She explains how she and her team worked to make HashiConf digital-only, and discusses how a year of isolation gave her the opportunity to launch her own conference - EpicConf.
We also discuss the role of events more broadly in the tech industry, and talk about how organizers and companies can support more diverse voices in the industry and give more people a platform to be heard.